She's a 10, but she won't launch on time
Hi Crafty Family,
We know you’re egg-static about the upcoming launch of our plant-based eggs! Well, we have some news to share. Due to hiccups with our manufacturing plant and supply chain issues, we need to delay our entrance on the big egg shelves for just a little while longer.
We jumped through hoops, worked round the clock and pulled every trick up our sleeve but still fell short. We cannot compromise on our promise to you i.e. deliver superstar product that will knock your socks off and exceed all your egg-spectations!
From almost on shelf...To not just yet. Watch the full story HERE.
In an eggshell, here's what went wrong:
- We found ourselves doing business with an exploitative manufacturing partner that was not aligned on the values or quality standards we pride ourselves on.
- Nationwide resin delay (first time in 20 years!) - this resin coating is applied on our trays so that the film can stick to the trays when vacuum packed.
- Given that we don't add any artificial ingredients to our eggs, we saw some color migrating from our turmeric yolks to the whites, over time - I mean, why does Turmeric always have to SHOW OFF?!!
Stay tuned for details on our new launch date. Team Crafty has nothing but gratitude for your early support and needless to say, we will make it up to you in surprising ways because you are simply wunderfully egg-ceptional.
You’ll be the first to know once we’re ready to ship!
Until then, stick around for some egg-xtraordinary newsletters with exclusive BTS content from our team, a deep dive into the startup world, and everything you always wanted to know about our WunderEggs!
Thank you for your patience and support,
Team Crafty